Understanding what anxiety does to a person

Understanding what anxiety does to a person

When there is stress experienced by the body the natural response to it by the body is known as anxiety. It generally refers to the fear of something that is going to happen. If this feeling of fear turns extreme or lasts for as long as 6 months and begins to affect the daily lifestyle of the person, then it means that a person is suffering from anxiety disorders. The feeling of anxiousness may be normal about any new event. The anxiety may be an unpleasant feeling, but it definitely motivates a person to work much harder and to complete the assigned task in a much more efficient manner. This kind of anxiety is ordinary in its frequency as it comes and goes but does not affect a person’s daily life. But when a person is suffering from anxiety disorder the fearful feelings may remain in a person for almost all the time. It turns debilitating in nature when such feelings become intense gradually. This sort of anxiety may hinder the kind of lifestyle the person has been living. When the cases are very serious, it may stop a person from entering the elevator, going across the street, or it may even be troublesome to step outside one’s house.
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5 warning signs of depression to look out for

5 warning signs of depression to look out for

Depression a serious mental illness that affects how one thinks and behaves. It leads one to lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed. Undertaking the most basic functions such as sleeping, working, and even eating become troublesome. The disorder is common and severely hampers ones emotional and physical abilities. One in six people is bound to go through depression at least once in their lifetime. While it can strike during any age, it is most likely to seep in when one is in their late teens or mid-20s. Commonly misunderstood, feeling sad is not the same as being depressed. The process of depression is a natural grieving that is distinct for every individual. Albeit, the features may be quite similar. Even an individual who lives under conventionally ideal circumstances is at the risk of depression and must avail of the right support to get through. Identifying and understanding the signs of depression is the first step involved in the same. Here are some obvious signs of depression that one must look out for: 1. Unexplainable body pain People who suffer from depression are most likely to experience physical pain. This includes pain in the back, joints and limbs. Body pain caused by depression can be chronic if not treated well in time.
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4 things to do to prevent heart attack

4 things to do to prevent heart attack

Caused when the blood flow to the heart is blocked, a heart attack has been one of the major health problems globally. Majorly a lifestyle disease, a heart attack has been known to leave other health complications in its aftermath. Some of these complications can be immediate, such as irregular heartbeats, low oxygen levels in the blood, and fluid accumulation in the lungs. A bulge may form in one of the ventricles and blood clots may develop in the deep veins of the pelvis and legs. In some cases, the blood pressure will drop. Because of this, the heart will not be able to supply sufficient blood to the body for optimal functioning. Other complications include aneurysm, angina, edema, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, pericarditis, and even congestive heart failure. These complications usually occur over time after a person has had a heart attack. The following are the things you should do to avoid the risk of a heart attack. Lifestyle changes Stress is one of the major triggers of a heart attack. Another major reason is a completely sedentary lifestyle that most of us have. Negative emotions such as hostility or anger can cause a spike in blood pressure leading to clogging of the arteries.
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